“Andalusian Illusion” – new solo guitar album

Andalusian Illusion
Andalusian Illusion

In October 2014 I took a trip to Andalusia for the first time to get guitar lessons and explore flamenco. It was really inspiring and a year later I spent there another three weeks to dig deeper!
Flamenco has always captured me with it’s rhythm, passion and duende. This album brings together inspirations and memories from my recent Andalusian flamenco-expeditions, letting them melt into my music and guitar playing and keeping me spontaneous and playful throughout the process.

Many tunes on this album found their inspiration while traveling in Andalusia – people I met, teachers, streets of Sevilla, Córdoba (and the La Mezquita), beautiful time in Málaga and Jerez.

“Bluemenco” is just a mixture of blues form and flamenco guitar. I took 3/5 blues and 2/5 flamenco which makes this tune go in 5 beats per measure 🙂

And “Canción Sevillana” got it’s melody going while I walked on the streets of Sevilla and suddenly heard people joyfully singing in a garage!

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